Winter 2012 Coat Trends: Cobalt Blue and Leather Trim

Anyone shopping for a winter coat this year is seeing a lot of cobalt blue and leather trim. Both are big trends right now. I love both of them so I’m a happy coat shopper, but I know they’re not everyone’s cup of tea. Some of you probably think that the blue is too bright or that leather trim is too hard edged, but I think they can both be worn no matter what your style preferences are, as long as you find a piece that is “you.”

This bright blue—cobalt—is my favorite color of the year hands down. I just bought a scarf and a blazer this color and I’d love to have a winter coat in it too. I’d like a long one like this, but with a single line of buttons (nope, haven’t found it yet—just because I write about style doesn’t mean I get lucky in the stores).

I used to think this color was too bright but now suddenly I’m loving it. I’m soo tired of all the gray and black in my wardrobe and this color looks startling and sophisticated. It feels very me. If you are the type of urban woman who wears a lot of dark colors, especially in winter, try this color coat. Even if you think it’s way too bright for you, at least try a few on in this color. Maybe you’re suddenly able to respect colored clothing (I like to think of it as a sign of wisdom) and it’s just what you need to beat the winter blahs.

My other favorite seasonal coat trend is coats with leather sleeves and/or trim. Like here on the right in the Burberry Brit “Yarrowfield” trench with lambskin sleeves. I think the leather makes a coat that is otherwise conventional worth paying attention to. This coat would just be another black trench without the leather additions.

This coat on the left is striking. I think the leather insets make it look very international sophisticate with a touch of military. Ok, maybe more than a touch. And a hint of steampunk; it’s definitely an interesting mashup of military, glam, and avant garde. The leather sleeves fit this style much better than they did with the basic trench. This isn’t quite what I think of as my style, but I love how unusual it is. I’d buy it, but $2500 is a little steep for me for a coat.

So love the leather trim look, but need to find a version I can love AND afford.

I’ve been trying to conduct my winter coat hunt by the rules I got from my style analysis: every item must have a unique element; and combine creativity and dramatic simplicity in every look. I think both the cobalt and the leather fulfill these rules perfectly because they are both unusual. If you are trying to put a little more zing in your basics, they might work for you too.

One response to “Winter 2012 Coat Trends: Cobalt Blue and Leather Trim

  1. I love that blue as well, but I’m not a fan of double-breasted coats, and they seem to be everywhere at the moment. I also have to be careful with length, as I am short and curvy, so I often can find something in the right length but it’s double-breasted, or not double-breasted but about a metre too long. 🙂

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